速報APP / 個人化 / Ontips Pro

Ontips Pro





版本需求:Android 4.4W 以上版本




Ontips Pro(圖1)-速報App

Ontips Pro-Your window into your home.

Whether checking in, or responding to an alert, the Ontips pro app gives you live and direct access to your security deivces from anywhere.

Smart Management

Share the access with your family, they will always know what's

happening when you're away, no more worries!

Alarm Control

Ontips Pro(圖2)-速報App

Control your alarm system anywhere via your smartphone and

view the events without any limitations.

Home Security

Ontips Pro has 3 alarm modes, away, home, and panic. It monitors your home for activity and sends you a push notification accordingly.

You can sound the siren or call emergency phone number, directly from the Watch Live or Alarm Control screen.

Smart Sensors & Scheduling

Ontips Pro(圖3)-速報App

The wireless sensors inform you of changes in your home and lets you set an automation schedule or turn your security systems on or off.